Gated Communities, a path to no-cities - La ciudad que huye

Horrified society and surveillance companies, as well as Governments' laws in terms of privacy, are driving "Americanized" cities into sealed bubbles of residential tissue. The promise of peaceful areas with no threats from the outside, a hypertrophied garden, and poor but "kitschly-hype" constructions, are blinding people onto a kind of fake high-level way of life. The fact is that there is no public transportation connecting those areas, and that there are no public infrastructures into those communities.

So, why including such situation into this post?

Lucrecia Martel is one of the most renowned film directors in Argentina, with films like "La ciénaga", "La niña santa" and "La mujer sin cabeza". She made an interesting short documentary about gated communities around Buenos Aires. Here it is.

More info on Gated Communities

· Carlos Romo

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