Uncommon Goods – Let’s get green
Paper, wood, cotton
(and more) are the perfect mix to create cool manufactured art and merchandise.
The products we find
on Uncommongoods.com are organic, recycled and handmade, and give us the
opportunity of turning our house into a cooler space and make the world a
better place.
Taking a look to Uncommon goods webpage I found very cool items and I had the impression of visiting a
creative flea market without leaving my house
(and the cup of coffee next to the laptop).
(and the cup of coffee next to the laptop).
My Uncommon wishlist includes
so many different products,
but I decided to select 10 to make my email to Santa Claus shorter.
but I decided to select 10 to make my email to Santa Claus shorter.
This wooden magnetic
robot and the playable art cube by
german artist Bernd Liebert are perfect for any room.
This amazing office
desk handmade by Richard Velloso (NY)
and this cool hybrid skateboards table by Jason Podlaski would definetely
make my house look better.
These illustrations
can fit any room (kitchen and bathroom included)
And, in case of an elegant green night, these Martini glasses by designer David Rasmussen and the two-in-one bow tie by Drew Storm Graham can really make the difference.
Check now Uncommongoods.com and make your personal wishlist